Did you know that oral health can make a big impact on your general overall physical health? Studies show that an unhealthy mouth may increase the risk of serious health problems, like stroke, heart attack, diabetes, osteoporosis, respiratory issues and preterm labor. But we have a remedy: oral health can easily be monitored with regular, preventive dental care.
What is Preventive Dental Care?
Think of preventive dental care like a visit with your primary care provider. It’s key to keeping your teeth healthy like a doctor visit is important for your overall health. Preventive dental care helps you maintain good oral health. There are parts of your health that you control, like regular brushing and flossing, and then there are regular visits with your dentist.
For most people, the recommendation is a dental exam yearly and some type of cleaning 2 to 3 times a year. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel deterioration and more. During your visit, a dental hygienist will professional clean your teeth, and the dentist will inspect the mouth and teeth for any sign of disease. It’s best to have routine x rays of the mouth as well. These visits are called preventive because the goal of the time spent with the dentist is to detect or stop any issues before they become a problem.
Hopefully, at the end of the visit, your dentist will send you on your way and recommend the interval that is appropriate for to help maintain your health. Sometimes, though, your dentist may see something of concern. No matter if it’s a small, routine issue, like a cavity, or something more serious, your dentist can help you navigate the best way to better health.
Ready to Start Your Preventive Dental Plan?
Has it been awhile since you’ve seen a dentist? Maybe you’re apprehensive of dental care because of a bad experience in the past or a phobia. Our friendly team can help. Give us a call at (904) 733-9144 and let us put help make a dental visit a good experience. We’ll change your mind about seeing the dentist!
A Few Tips from Admira Dentistry
Prevention is the best way to good oral health! Keep these tips in mind to keep your mouth and your body in tip-top shape.
- Brush teeth and gums at least twice a day.
- Floss or waterpik
- Avoid tobacco products.
- Use recommended toothpaste and mouthwash.
- Limit sugary foods and drinks.