Advanced gum disease, or periodontal disease, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. It can also cause bone loss, infection, “gum cavities,” and severe pain. If damage is severe enough and infection is not controlled by conservative treatment and therapy, surgery may be required. Here at Admira, we’re proud to offer advanced gum treatments in Jacksonville that can help you regain your sense of oral wellness.
Bacteria, Poor Choices, & Uncooperative Genes
Plaque and Gum Disease
Several factors contribute to periodontal disease, including plaque build-up, lifestyle choices, and heredity. The most common and controllable factor is bacterial plaque – the sticky, colorless film produced by normal oral bacteria. An easy way to prevent the significant buildup of plaque is by simply remembering to brush and floss thoroughly on a regular basis. Once the plaque has built up, however, a dentist must remove it.
Bacterial Growth
Unhindered, this plaque will release toxins that break down the natural fibers holding your gums to your teeth, allowing even more bacteria and toxins to invade. Over time, this process can permanently damage or destroy the affected tooth, tooth root, and even the jawbone! Further, plaque deposits quickly harden into calculus or tartar – a rough, porous, and irritating substance that brushing does not remove.
Lifestyle Choices
Poor lifestyle choices can also affect the body’s ability to fight infection and irritation in the gum tissue area. Poor nutrition, stress, leukemia, and diabetes all reduce the body’s natural ability to ward off periodontal disease. Smoking and chewing tobacco also greatly irritate the gum tissue, inviting disease. The best way to enjoy healthy gums is to ensure that you practice healthy habits.